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Marcus Rashford - Entry 1/ Entry 2

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

Football star and campaigner

Watch the video then do the tasks.


  1. prime Minister, 2. Free School Meals, 3. Parliament 4. Medal

5. petition, 6. Twitter - Tweet 7 hat-trick 8. vouchers


1. is - was

2. do - did

3. work - worked

4. are - were

5. get - got -

6. says - said

7. write - wrote

8. tweet - tweeted

9. agree - agreed

10. score - scored

TASK 4. Adjectives: which adjectives describe Marcus?

Rich, fit, mean, strong greedy, kind, black,

Asian, English, old, angry, young, weak, talented


Rich, fit, mean, strong greedy, kind, black,

Asian, English, old, angry, young, weak, talented

angry? .... possibly... angry at the government.

TASK 5 Writing: Write some sentences about Marcus Rashford .

Then say what you think about him. What is your opinion?

You can email your writing to us at

and we will check it and send it back.

That's the end of this lesson. You can find more lessons at levels Entry 1 and Entry 2 by tapping this button.

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