Play the song on YOUTUBE: and toggle back here to fill in the gaps.
Summertime: Fill in the gaps
good looking, Time, cry sky, high easy, rich,
baby morning, Mammy, jumping
1. Summer ………………………..,
2. And the living is ……………………..
3. Fish are …………………………..
4. And the cotton is ……………………………
5. Your Daddy’s ……………………….,
6. And your Ma is ………………………………
7. So hush little ………………………….,
8. Don't you ………………….
9. One of these mornings
10. You're going to rise up singing
11. Then you'll spread your wings
12. And take to the ………………….
13. But until that …………………………..
14. There is nothing can harm you
15. With Daddy and …………………… standing by.
9. One of these mornings
10. You're going to rise up singing
11. Then you'll spread your wings
12. And take to the sky.
13. But until that morning
14. There is nothing can harm you
15. With Daddy and mammy standing by.
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