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Words with -nd

Three tasks to practise words from Literacy lesson 10. TASK 2. TASK 3. Write 5 sentences about YOU. I've got....................

Verbs with am, are, is

Task 1. TASK 4. Well done if you have completed these tasks. You can find more English tasks by tapping on the star.

th words

Learn some words with the "th" sound. answers teeth, 2. thumb 3. father 4. bath 5. thirty 6 three Good work. You...

5 prepositions

Good work. If you want to do more tasks like this, tap on the star.

Jab and jet

Good work. You can find more tasks if you tap on the star.

up, under, past, down

Answers: down up past under Answers: bus stop 2. Bridge 3 . Phone box 4. under 5 up 6 steps Good work. You...

St and ch words

Answers: stamp fist post office fast stop stand up chest Answers stamp...

sh words and colours

TASK 1. Look at the pictures. answers: 1. shed. 2. shop 3. shoe 4. dish 5 fish TASK 2. Look at the colours. Write your...

X and Z words. Basic-pre-entry ESOL

Learn to read and spell words with X and Z. Watch the video. Do the exercises, then do the tasks on this blog. Well done if you have...

He's got, She's got, They've got.

Learn some words about the family and homes. Practise using "he's got", "she's got" " I've got" Now watch the video and do the tasks ....

Make a simple face mask!

You must wear a face mask on public transport and in the shops. Watch the video. Learn how to make a mask! Then answer the questions. 1)...

o and a words Part 2

July 29th 2020 Watch the video. Learn more words with the sounds "o" and "a". Now do 4 more tasks. Answers 1. jam ...

Learn your numbers!

Watch the videos! Look at the worksheets! Click on the documents to open them

Growing food. Basic pre-entry

July 23rd 2020 Learn about bees, hens, growing apples. Also practise plurals. Watch the video, then do the tasks. You need pen and...

More Online English Resources

Have you seen our post including lots of websites to help you practise your English online?

Online Resources - Beginners

Hello! Here are some websites which you can use to start learning and practising English.

Online English Resources

Here you can find lots of useful websites to help you practise your English online. Scroll down to find the category for you. Adults...

ESOL Activities: Blog2
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